Hi, we're Keynoteology.
Keynoteology® was founded by Healthcare Researchers, Healthcare Event Experts, Award-Winning Medical Device Innovators, Physicians and Number One Bestselling Healthcare Authors. We identified the fact that most meeting resources for Healthcare and Life Science Meeting Planners were inadequate to provide the best possible Speakers, Panelists, and Moderators. We leverage our comprehensive list of Speakers that we have identified through our proprietary search process, match algorithms, and deep subject matter expertise. We also partner with some of the top Speaker Bureaus, and Speaker Agencies, to place the perfect Speaker, Expert, and event resources for your Healthcare meeting.
Hi, we’re Keynoteology.
Keynoteology® was founded by Healthcare Researchers, Healthcare Event Experts, Award-Winning Medical Device Innovators, Physicians and Number One Bestselling Healthcare Authors. We identified the fact that most meeting resources for Healthcare and Life Science Meeting Planners were inadequate to provide the best possible Speakers, Panelists, and Moderators. We leverage our comprehensive list of Speakers that we have identified through our proprietary search process, match algorithms, and deep subject matter expertise. We also partner with some of the top Speaker Bureaus, and Speaker Agencies, to place the perfect Speaker, Expert, and event resources for your Healthcare meeting.
How We Serve Our Healthcare Meeting Planners
- Leveraging our deep Healthcare Expertise, and our Healthcare TrendMap™ Analysis, we assist world-class Healthcare and Life Sciences organizations, select the perfect Speakers, Panelists and Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) for their events
- We can provide value-added Certification Training, Facilitated Ideation, and other programs, to help our meeting planners take their event to the next level
- We provide a “buffet” of Best in Class resources including: Formal Event Strategies connected to detailed Trend Analysis. We also provide, Meeting Technologies, , Certification Training, Facilitation, Panel Moderation, and Event Hosts
- We provide Customized Event Engagement Strategy, Curriculum Design, Breakout Sessions, Ideation, Happiness and Healthcare Quality of Life Tracks, and Next-generation Event Technologies
Message from our Founder
Matti Palo, MD
As an Orthopedic Surgeon, Technology Innovator, and Medical Technology CEO, I have attended hundreds of healthcare events throughout my career. It became clear to me, that Healthcare, Life Sciences Meeting Planners, and Conference Leaders were not being served by the current Speaker and Event resources. Keynoteology® was founded with a very specific mission, and that is to provide the best resources in the industry for Healthcare and Life Science Meeting Planners.

Speaker Match Demographics
We perfectly match your requirements based on our match algorithms that connects to key success factors of choosing the perfect speaker. This includes the following:
Areas of Keynoteology®
Speaker Analysis
- Key Opinion Leadership Score™ (KOLS)
- Topic-specific pedigree
- Delivery style
- Subject matter research
- Celebrity/noncelebrity
- Academic pedigree
- Publications and books
- Personal demographics
- Fees and requirements
- RealRatings® review validation
- Perishability of research
Build the perfect event strategy.
In addition to providing you the perfect Speakers, and Experts you also enjoy the benefits of leveraging your custom TrendMap™ to create a Customized Event Strategy that is surgically connected to the issues that are facing your valued audience.
Talk with us now.
Don’t have time to fill out your needs form? No problem! Talk or contact one of our Keynoteologists™ now.
The Science of Finding the Best Speaker
Additionally, we leverage the trifecta of deep Subject Matter Expertise, our patent pending Healthcare and Life Science Event TrendMap™ and the power of Match Algorithm/AI. This significantly reduces the risk that a Meeting Planner selects the wrong Speaker. We also use our RealRatings® system to validate reviews to ensure that your speaker has been vetted.
Find the Perfect Healthcare Speaker
In a time of “Chaotic Innovation” in healthcare, audiences are demanding Novel and Actionable Insights that are VERY Specific to their industry, Organization, and Job Function. The best Meeting Planners in the world are leveraging TrendMap™ to select the perfect Keynote Speaker, Panelist, or Key Opinion Leader (KOL). The number one complaint that an Event Planner receives, is that the attendees and/or sponsors did not feel that they received actionable benefits from the Speakers.
Event TrendMap™ Report Areas of Analysis
The Science of The TrendMap™
TrendMap™ leverages deep Healthcare Subject Matter Expertise, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Match Algorithms, to surgically connect a Healthcare Event to the BEST Keynote Speakers, Key Opinion Leaders (KOL), and/or Panelists.
Enterprise Culture
Organizations are scrambling to attract and keep mission-critical talent. Additionally, organizations and healthcare leaders are leveraging the power of “Happy Cultures” to significantly drive all of the stated strategic goals and objectives. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact culture and leadership.
Enterprise Culture Key Trends
- Talent Attraction/retention
- CX Driver
- Return on Human Capital (RHC)
- Innovation
- HCP and Stakeholder Happiness
Consumer Experience (CX)
Healthcare is the subject of massive Chaotic Change. One of the major trends impacting healthcare is consumerism, and the way in which it is impacting the delivery of healthcare through new economic and value models. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact consumer/patient experience.
Consumer Experience Key Trends (CX)
- Patient Satisfaction
- Satisfaction Scores
- Safety, Quality, and Compliance
- HCP Satisfaction
- Enterprise Growth
There are many sociological changes that are occurring that are impacting the way in which the healthcare industry is delivering healthcare across varying populations. These changes include changing social norms, and new social priorities. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact sociological trends.
Sociological Key Trends
- Healthcare Equity
- Personalization
- Healthcare Access
- Caregiver Support
- Diversity
Healthcare leadership needs to develop a whole new range of “Core Competencies” in the area of Chaotic Innovation, Stakeholder Happiness, Consumerism, Cost Management and Value-based Care, just to name a few. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact healthcare management and leadership.
Management Key Trends
- Chaotic Innovation
- Stakeholder Happiness
- Value-Based Care
Economic and Clinical Models - Enterprise Excellence
There are many factors that are rapidly evolving within the healthcare economic ecosystem. These trends include the impact of Inflation, Consumerization, Financial Transparency, Sustainability and a rapid shift towards Value-based Care. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact the overarching US economy, and the healthcare specific economy.
Economic Key Trends
- Consumerization
- Transparency
- Utilization
- Sustainability
- Value Shift
Healthcare will see a rapid increase in the development and utilization of emerging healthcare technologies. In addition to the technologies themselves, we will see significant increases in the connection architecture, and digitization of all things in healthcare. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact Technology, Digitization, Digital Security, AI, and many other factors.
Technology Key Trends
- Connection Architecture
- Decentralization
- Wearable/implantable
- Emerging Technologies
- Digitalization
We will go far beyond the concept of “Value-based Care” to evaluate the benefits of both intervention and the evaluation of preventative approaches over interventional approaches. Emerging technologies will illuminate low value technologies and interventions, and this will result in rapid change. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact value, value-based care and alternatives to intervention.
Value Key Trends
- Prevention vs Intervention
- Alternative Pathways
- Experiential Value
- Low Cost, Big Value
- Data Analytics
Emerging technologies will change the focus from diagnosis and intervention to one of anticipation and prevention. Your custom TrendMap™ evaluates all areas of trends that impact clinical intervention, diagnostics, and trending pharmaceuticals, devices, and procedural interventions.
Clinical Key Trends
- Anticipatory Genomics
- Continuous Patient Monitoring
- Consumerization of Care
- Emerging Drug/devices
- HCP Burn Out
Keynoteology® Speaker Match Demographics
We also perfectly match your requirements based on our match algorithms that connects to key success factors of choosing the perfect speaker. This includes the following:
Areas of Keynoteology® Speaker Analysis
- Key Opinion Leadership Score™ (KOLS)
- Topic-specific pedigree
- Delivery style
- Subject matter research
- Celebrity/noncelebrity
- Academic pedigree
- Publications and books
- Personal demographics
- Fees and requirements
- Ratings and reviews
- Perishability of research
Build the Perfect Event Strategy
In addition to providing you the perfect Speakers, and Experts you also enjoy the benefits of leveraging your custom TrendMap™ to create a Customized Event Strategy that is surgically connected to the issues that are facing your valued audience.
Step 1
Register for Free Membership, and complete the Event Assessment Form
Step 2
Schedule a Discovery Meeting with our Healthcare Expert Keynoteologist™
Step 3
Receive your Comprehensive Keynoteology Report:
• Your Event or Meeting Assessment
• Key Trends Report
• Speaker(s) Recommendations
• Event Success Strategy (ESS)
• Event Concierge Services
It’s Just That Simple.
Remember in a time of Chaotic Innovation, organizations in Healthcare and Life Science need tremendous granularity when it comes to selecting the right speaker. The right speaker will have direct impact on enterprise growth, innovation, employee satisfaction, brand reputation and commercial, and patient satisfaction. Don’t risk your event to a Speaking Resource that doesn’t specialize in Healthcare and Life Sciences.
It’s Just That Simple.
Remember in a time of Chaotic Innovation, organizations in Healthcare and Life Science need tremendous granularity when it comes to selecting the right speaker. The right speaker will have direct impact on enterprise growth, innovation, employee satisfaction, brand reputation and commercial, and patient satisfaction. Don’t risk your event to a Speaking Resource that doesn’t specialize in Healthcare and Life Sciences.